Sam & Max Wiki


This is a page listing every listed Easter Egg in Sam & Max Media.

An Easter egg is a message, image, or feature hidden in software, a video game, a film, or another—usually electronic—medium.

Like many franchises, Sam & Max has a variety of different easter eggs, full of references, fun moments, inside jokes, etc.

This page may not be finished, as there are many easter eggs in the games, show, and comics, but is accessible to anyone for editing and contributing in.


Original Series[]





Hit The Road[]


"The In's, the Out's.. The Up's, the Down's..."

Bernard Cameo[]

At Snuckey's, the man serving you is Bernard Bernoulli, a character from LucasArts adventure game Day of the Tentacle.


Indiana Jones Reference[]

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Arks opening scene is parodied when Sam & Max try to steal Conroy Bumpus’ toupee.

Monkey Island Reference[]

When Sam says “Look behind you! A three headed monkey!” to distract Conroy Bumpus, it is a reference to the popular phrase in the Monkey Island game series.

Star Wars Quote[]

When Shuv-Oohl karmically links with the Yetis, he says “It’s, like, several voices screaming out in terror… and then suddenly silenced”, a reference to a quote from the Star Wars films.

Woody Allen-like Character[]

The bespectacled fisherman at the World of Fish Museum is a caricature of director Woody Allen.


Based off Stuckey's[]

Snuckey's is based on the real American roadside store Stuckey's, but the name was changed for legal reasons. However, in the comics the stores are called Stuckey's.

Years Later, Steve Purcell would collaborate with Stuckey's on advertizing the place with new Sam & Max art, thanks to Hit the Road resulting to more sales in the store due to it's parody Snuckey's.

Save the World[]

Culture Shock[]

Prismatology Foreshadow[]

An advertisement for Prismatology, a philosophy founded by Hugh Bliss that has relevancy in later episodes, can be seen on Sam & Max’s office TV. It is also mentioned as one of the religions Brady Culture dabbled in on the show, Oh, is he Still Alive? when clicking on the TV.

Env posterHarry
Harry Moleman Poster[]

A poster outside the theatre pictures Harry Moleman, a character who appears later in the season.

Env cardboardBox analysis
Freelance Police Gag[]

The box on the top of the filing cabinet in Sam & Max's office is dated when Sam & Max: Freelance Police was cancelled.

In The Remastered Version, the box has a 2nd date, which references the day Telltale Games closed due to bankruptcy.

Weasel on a Stick[]

You can ask Bosco if he has weasels on a stick. This is a reference to the Monkeys Violating the Heavenly Temple comic, where Max gets one from a local street food vendor.

"But who the hell is John Muir?"[]

You can also ask Bosco if he has vegetables in the shape of famous naturalists, which is a reference to Hit the Road when you need to secure a vegetable shaped like naturalist John Muir.

"I never noticed the difference!"[]

Sam & Max 101: Culture Shock is quite infamous in the Sam & Max community for being the only episode of The Telltale Trilogy which included Randomized Elements.

Here is a list of things that can change in a playthrough, whether forcefully or by completing scenarios under specific circumstances.

  • On each playthrough, the Artificial Personality Disorder puzzle will randomly pick between 3 fixed out of 6 symptoms. They all need to be in order of OBSESSION, REACTION, and DESIRE.
  1. An obsession with fame. (OBSESSION)
  2. An obsession with money. (OBSESSION)
  3. A violent reactions to dentistry (REACTION)
  4. A violent reactions to hairstyling. (REACTION)
  5. A subconscious desire to marry your mother (DESIRE)
  6. A subconscious desire to see your peers get older. (DESIRE)
  • You can find three different ways to find out about the Brady Culture Plot Twist.
  1. Playing the Eye-Bo VHS in The Office. (OPTIONAL)
  2. Opening the Closet and talking to Sybil before knocking out Peepers. (OPTIONAL)
  3. Knocking out all Three Poppers and talking to Sybil.
  • Depending on who you wake up first, two different Poppers could be initiating the Act 2 finale.
  1. If you wake up Whizzer after Specs, Whizzer will be driving the van
  2. If you wake up Specs after Whizzer, Specs will be driving the van
Sam & Max's Moon Trip
Comic Photo Reference[]

The two pictures on the wall of Sam & Max's office are references to the pair's past comic adventures: Bad Day on the Moon and On the Road.

  • Because of these photos, and many implications and references throughout the trilogy, this means that the Telltale Games are canonical to the franchise.
    • Because of it's cartoon adaptation counterpart, many fans believe that this also means that The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police is canon. However, since there are no other implications, the theory is left up to interpretation and/or speculation.

Abe Lincoln Must Die![][]
Max for president 2013, as it appeared in 2013.

Max for president website as it appeared in 2007.

In the original game, there is a website listed in the credits of 104 called It was a promotional website made by Telltale, containing trailers and advertisements for Season One, as well as other fun Sam & Max related goodies. It can be viewed using the Wayback Machine here.

WARNING: If you intend to check this website on the Wayback Machine, be aware that any snapshot taken during/after the year 2015 will show EXTREMELY NSFW content, due to Telltale losing the domain name. You have been warned.

Reality 2.0[][]
Banco lavadero real!!!

Banco Lavadero, aka Money Laundering.

If you actually went to in real life during 2007-2013, you would be met with an image of $100 bills hung on a clothesline. This is a play on the phrase "banco lavadero", which literally translates to "money laundering" or "money laundry".

It can be viewed using the Wayback Machine here.

Interestingly, on August 1st 2015, the image on the website changed to an image of Bob's Toys!s, an area from Season Three, before being changed back to the image of the dollar bills. This image of Bob's Toys!s was used on a different website used for a cancelled ARG for The Devil's Playhouse. It is unknown why this happens to this website, or if it was just an error.[]

Additionally,, another website mentioned during the events of 105, was also a real website you could go to. The website would only have one image of a nauseatingly cute kitten, bunny, or puppy, alternating between them every month. The images were called barf.png, retch.png, and puke.png respectively. Clicking on the image would redirect you to Telltale's Sam & Max website.

The Bob's Toys!s image also appears on the website on August 1st 2015 for unknown reasons, before being changed back in January 2016. The website would then go completely black in October 2016, go back to the picture of the kitten in September 2017, before the domain finally expired in December 2019.

It can be viewed on the Wayback Machine here.

Beyond Time and Space[]


Sam and Max Rats[]


Night of the Raving Dead[]

Clementine's Cameo[]
203 clems house

Clementine's house, as it appears in the minigame

In the remaster, during the C.O.P.S' minigame, there is a rare chance that one of the houses Sam and Max drive by will be Clementine's house from episode one of Telltale's The Walking Dead game. If you shoot a CD at her house, one of eight voice lines of hers will play. [1]

  • "Thanks, guys!"
  • "Thank you, Sam and Max!"
  • "I love you guys!"
  • "Thanks for all this stuff!"
  • "You guys are the best!"
  • "Sam and Max! Wow, good to see you!"
  • "Thanks, Sam and Max! You guys are real lifesavers."
  • "Sam and Max! Wow, cool!"

Chariot of the Dogs[]


In Sam and Max's office, there is a bottle of Banang on Sam's desk. Clicking on it causes Sam to say "Banaaaaaaang" in a funny way, making Max laugh. Clicking on it more times causes Sam to do it again and again, making Max less and less amused, much to Sam's annoyance. Eventually, Max gets tired of it and swats the bottle away.[2]

Banang has since been a running joke/easter egg in most, if not all future Telltale games.

The Devil's Playhouse[]


The Penal Zone[]

Meesta Pizza Easter Eggs[]

In the remaster, two new easter eggs were added in the Meesta Pizza area in episode one.

After Sam and Max jump down from the roof, if you walk to the right instead of leaving, you can see a gnome from Puzzle Agent, another Telltale game, briefly poke their head out from behind a trash can before disappearing again.

First found by @sammvnmak on X/Twitter

If you revisit the area in Act 4, you can see a dog with Sam's head jump behind some trash cans. The dog is holding the squeezing toy from the "use" icon in Hit the Road.

The dog with Sam's head comes from a panel from the comic.

Sam dog in comic

Beyond The Alley Of the Dolls[]


In the remaster, new graffiti was added to areas in the game. At the docks area, there is graffiti that says "CLEMENTINE", a reference to a the protagonist of Telltale's The Walking Dead series.

Clementine grafiitti 304


The City That Dares Not Sleep[]

Max's Inventory[]

In Max's Inventory, there are various items referencing past Sam & Max media.

  • Brady Culture's Eye Bo tape and Hypno-Goggles from 101.
  • The head of one of the singing bear heads from Ted E. Bear's Mafia Free Playland and Casino in 103, as well as Ted E. Bear's famous meatball sandwich.
  • The ink ribbon from 203.
  • The "Beautiful Tijuana" mariachi frogs from the office in Season 2.
  • Max's statue from 205, wearing the sock crown from 202, and the foam hand from 203.
  • A Nut Log from Snuckey's.
  • The bucket of fish and Car Bomb game from Hit the Road.
  • The roach farm found in the office in Hit the Road (which plays an integral role in this episode).

In the remaster, more references to previous Sam & Max media were added.

  • The head of the scientist from Hit the Road's opening scene.
  • A box of "Le Chuck's Pizza", referencing Max's pizza delivery boy outfit from Hit the Road's dress-up game, as well as a character from the Monkey Island series.
  • Glazed McGuffins, a reference to the famous snack from the cartoon.

If you save in this room and go back to the main menu, the room is labelled as "None of Your Damn Business", referencing Max's famous response when asked where he keeps his belongings.

This Time It's Virtual[]


Flint Paper Cameo[]

In the office section of the game, if you take Max's red cup and put it against the wall next to the closet and hold your ear up to it, you can hear Flint Paper writing a book from inside his office.[3]

